2 B or not 2 B (in Action) … that is the question!
Most of us have periods of inaction, often called procrastination, where our ideas, inventions, and innovation slow.
If we let “inActive” take charge of any area in our life, it typically ends up affecting all areas.
Whether it’s a Role you play or a Goal you have, you always need to “2 B in Action”. Resetting your Goal for each Role, whether it is in family, fitness, or one of your many business ideas/activities, motivation is key 2 B in Action.
2 B in Action – the Plan(TM)
I use “2 B in Action” as a driver … focus moves my actions forward. “2 B in Action – the Plan(TM)” is the key to Success in all areas of your life. It is as simple taking action right now, order your Plan. and make your dreams come true.
2 B in Action – the Plan(TM) focuses on developing a quick action plan, achievable, doable and launches you on the track to Success.
For example, everyone wants to be fit. “2 B in Action – the Plan(TM)”, would list the next 2 actions to focus on to drive you to fitness, ie take your dog(s) for a walk, do 10 push ups today!
I know, everybody tells you to make you “To Do” lists. I have them, but I find I need to link each “To Do” with an activity to be successful.
That is why I created “2 B in Action – The Plan(TM)”. That is why I believe that selecting and focusing on the next 2 actions is a much more useful tool. 2 B in Action – the Plan(TM) with a workbook to drive your ideas, will be formally roled out shortly.
I want to hear from you, let me know how it works for you.